Senin, 30 April 2012

I Am Free (Diving)!

Ever since I saw Hola, Rian, Ricka, Phie, Sena, Romulo (?) “ducking”, I thought, I wanted to do that. Even more, how Chok retrieved my sunken snorkel in the pool was a surprising sight. I wanted to duck dive. It turned out to be not easy as it might look. Found it difficult, especially the equalizing part.

As often, the excitement was soon forgotten. But when buddies started free diving, I lazily said, I’ll give it a try.

Two months or six sessions in pool later, here I was: free diving at sea! I joined the ever famous Jason Hakim aka JJ, Azam, Andrian, Pak Bayu, and Agus to free dive at the waters of Pulau Air, Pulau Bandeng, and the pier of Pulau Pramuka. 

There at Pulau Air, I, unfortunately, had to bid farewell to my goggle. I accidentally dropped it into the black water. Sad. It had accompanied me for two years of diving, snorkeling, and free diving. Well well now I am not that sad. I am looking forward to wearing new goggle. I thanked Pak Bayu for bringing extra goggle, I could free dived last weekend! 

It is true that one may never freedive alone. I was exhausted at the water of P. Air. Buddies were ever helpful and supportive. they waved to call the boatman to pick us up.

Photo by the famous Agus Hong

I had a big time free diving eventhough equalization was difficult to do. It was fun to watch buddies descending to the black and whence ascending, like dolphins.

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