Anast is very 'teasable' and that was good for us
Cika would say, stop taking care of everybody!
Me'd add, Ah, you noble heart
She's so sincere that we never misunderstand her even when she said--in perfect English, for she teaches English in a high school, "Guys, I've been to Great Wall of China..."
Our jaws dropped. Ah, well, we din take that as an act of snob. Instead, we knew that she was being genuine.
It was us who started to take care of everybody--in this case, of her. Hahahah. She loves walking and hiking.
It was great to have her as travelmate.
So we walked down after the historic climb (none of us had been there before).
It was a fun hike. I love the horse ride. Rebo was kind and he seemed to know every rock there. good horse.